
Head Off on a Jaguar Safari in Brazil


The Jaguar is undoubtedly the most iconic cat in South America and sighting one of these magnificent beasts in the wild has got to be one of the most exciting wildlife experiences. Jaguar safari trips are becoming increasingly popular on the wildlife enthusiast's radar, and with tours offering notable sighting success
rates it is easy to see why.
When choosing a Jaguar safari make sure you do your research. There are many companies on the market, offering Jaguar safari packages but it's important to choose the right one. Most reputable companies pride themselves on offering a top class wildlife experience as well as boasting a great sighting success rate. They will offer a comprehensive accommodation package, small tour groups, and expert local guides to help you make the best of your trip. Local guides are worth their weight in gold and are a wealth of information. Knowing exactly the right places to search and the best times of day (depending on the temperature and climate), they will be able to guide you towards the best opportunities for sightings.
A Few Facts
Before you head off on your adventure it's a good idea to arm yourself with some information about these incredible beasts, particularly as their secretive nature makes them far less understood than the other members of the big cat family. They are similar in appearance to the Leopard, with comparable pelt markings, but the Jaguar is a slightly bigger animal. It is hard to determine their average size as it varies depending on the habitat they live in and the prey they have access to.
Dispersed throughout the South American continent they are an adaptable beast and are managing to survive because of their position at the top of the food chain. Secretive, elusive and solitary, they spend their days combing their territory for prey. With powerful jaws and a strong killing instinct they are an animal all others fear. Great climbers and good swimmers, these cats are adept and stealthy hunters with little reason to fear others. So, why then are they on the endangered species list? The only thing they are threatened by is perhaps the single biggest threat to most endangered species: that of human development and encroachment. Finding a balance between the human need for modernisation and the conservation of wildlife is a global issue, but by increasing awareness and knowledge and offering Jaguar safari opportunities, it is hoped their plight will be realised and managed more carefully.
Exploring The Pantanal Region of Brazil
The Pantanal region of Brazil is reputably the best place to spend time with Jaguars in the wild. A protected area, the Pantanal offers the kind of wetland habitat they favour. As with most wildlife safari trips, when you are on the Jaguar safari you are taken into the jungle twice a day: first thing in the morning and then late in the afternoon. These are always the best times for wildlife sightings, as it is at these times the animals are most active.
Different to most regular safaris, however, is that the safari vehicle of choice in the Pantanal is a boat. Vessels will take you deep into the heart of the jungle along the rivers and maximise the opportunities for sightings. What better way to enjoy your experience than by relaxing on a boat, absorbing the stunning natural surroundings and anticipating the wildlife sighting of a lifetime?
Marissa Ellis-Snow is a freelance nature writer. If you're looking for a Jaguar safari, Naturetrek specialises in expert-led natural history and wildlife tours worldwide. Naturetrek brings over 25 years of experience to wildlife tours in some of the most spectacular regions on Earth.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7898626